Time might be the most valuable resource a doctor has. Whether its time that you need to see more patients or time that needs to be set aside for yourself, physicians can always use a little more of it in their day. Here are a couple of tips to help with time management during the workday:

Stick to the schedule

Make sure your schedule is organized and realistic, from appointments, professional engagements, priority tasks, and even personal time. Then make sure you stick to it. Don’t waste too much time on distractions like coffee breaks and Facebook or even unscheduled interactions (you can leave open spaces in your schedule to accommodate that). Keeping to the schedule makes sure you complete everything you need done and work doesn’t stack up around you.

Learn how to say NO

There will be times when you will be invited to take on certain projects. It could be to sit on a committee or deliver a speech or see extra patients. And sometimes, it’ll be something you will want to do. Before saying yes to everything, though, make sure you have the space in your calendar for things like this. Spreading yourself too thin doesn’t help anybody, and there’s no shame in politely declining invitations when you really aren’t available.

Use the help around you

As much as you would want to believe it, you can’t do everything. There may be people around you that can offer some assistance, though, and you would do well to accept it when it’s there. From your regular staff to interns, you can always find tasks to delegate that the help around you are qualified to do. Don’t forget to show appreciation for the help afterwards as well.

For more ways to save time, get in touch with TukkoMed to consult about the services that can make your practice easier and more convenient.

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